Saturday, October 20, 2012

Second Election Poll

Who will you vote for House of Delegates? free polls 

Who will you vote for State Senate? free polls 

Who will you vote for Sheriff? free polls 

Please note:  Write-in candidates for all offices are not included in any of these polls.  Election history in Webster County and elsewhere proves time and time again that a write-in candidate can NOT win against those already on the ballot (especially write-in candidates who have already LOST in an earlier primary election in the same year).  Most folks who want to express dissatisfaction with the candidates on the ballot will write-in someone's name.  However, most of those "protest" write-in votes are never counted because the person they wrote in did not file as an official write-in candidate. So, you can vote in protest for an official or unofficial write-in candidate, but the result will be the same:  it is a wasted vote because no write-in candidate in Webster has ever won against someone already on the ballot.

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